
I am a High School student at Framingham High. Interested in just about everything computer related. I have been messing with PCs since I was about 8. I have always been interested in the information you can learn from the internet, and all the free resources that it offers.

I have been programming in C++, Java, Python and using nodeRed for a combined 4 years. I am fascinated with the interesting things that can be done with a keyboard and a few minutes of my time.

Education Overview

I have taken courses in C++, Java, and Python in order to gain experience in multiple languages. I have devoted the most amount of time to Java, which is my preffered language at the moment. To see programs that I have written, reffer to my Java Portfolio or my C++ Portfolio

I am proficient in a 3D workspace. I have 3D printed everything from a custom case for a raspberry Pi to a mount for a webcam. I use programs such as Cinema 4D, Fusion 360 and Autodesk Inventor to model anything with absolute precision. To see a representation of my knowledge in 3D modeling refer to my 3D portfolio

Below is a brief resume and a summarization of my education.

Highschool: C++ Programming Honnors 
            AP Computer Science (Java)
            AP Computer Science (Python)
            Intern At Office Of Technology at Framingham High School

Extra Curricular: 3 Years Of Experience in HardSurface 3d modeling
                  4 Years Of I.T. Building/Fixing Personal Computers
                  Summer Course At Boston College in Python App Development
                  Tutored C++ and Python for a Semester
                  Experience Using Microsoft Office/ Libre Office
                  Experience Using Linux Operating Systems
Social Media

Steam: Profile

Discord: Server

Youtube: Channel

Twitter: Profile

Contact Information

Phone: 508-988-5613
